I am researching on behalf of the Professional Golfers Association all professionals and assistant professionals who went to fight for King & Country in the Great War of 1914-1918 and never returned. So far I have 91 names of brave men in my files and I believe Ernest Silvanus Anderson above may well be another. Having initially come across a report of his death in a Sheffield newspaper, killed in action in during the Battle of Savy, France in April 1917 I contacted North Shaw Golf Club in Scarborough. The Club historian Paul Bang confirmed that Anderson was at neither of the Scarborough Clubs but he was employed at Mr Morgans Golf School. Alas I have heard little from Mr Bang who mentioned he would carry out some research at the local library and get back to me. So I’m desperately trying to find confirmation that Ernest Anderson was at the golf school. Any help you can offer will be greatly appreciated. Best wishes Phil
I am sorry, but I cannot yet locate any information about this casualty other than standard CWGC material, and the fact that he enlisted in Leeds. Good luck with your searches.
I am researching on behalf of the Professional Golfers Association all professionals and assistant professionals who went to fight for King & Country in the Great War of 1914-1918 and never returned. So far I have 91 names of brave men in my files and I believe Ernest Silvanus Anderson above may well be another. Having initially come across a report of his death in a Sheffield newspaper, killed in action in during the Battle of Savy, France in April 1917 I contacted North Shaw Golf Club in Scarborough. The Club historian Paul Bang confirmed that Anderson was at neither of the Scarborough Clubs but he was employed at Mr Morgans Golf School. Alas I have heard little from Mr Bang who mentioned he would carry out some research at the local library and get back to me. So I’m desperately trying to find confirmation that Ernest Anderson was at the golf school. Any help you can offer will be greatly appreciated. Best wishes Phil
I am sorry, but I cannot yet locate any information about this casualty other than standard CWGC material, and the fact that he enlisted in Leeds. Good luck with your searches.